Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Hermit Crab than Hermit

Well, today we've scheduled what has become our once-weekly trip to Valentine. I hate these. We have to go to Hubby's Doctor's appointment, and we have to get our driver's licenses changed over. We can only do the latter two days a week, Tuesday and Wednesday, when the person from the State comes to the county. We keep missing him due to time and other pressures!

I have so much to do here and so many pressing and not-so-pressing matters. Do I REALLY want to drive 70 miles round trip to spend money and time away from all of this? Um, no. I am looking forward to the winter when I may, perhaps, be snowed in and unable to make the trek. Unlike what some of my friends thought (and definitely unlike some of them, who need constant activity) , I hate shopping, I hate excitement, I hate bustling about with other people doing things. When I have "down time" I like to wander around Amazon or other shopping places, make lists of what I see that I like and then not buy a thing. It isn't the money - it is the fact that I take my time and weigh what I like against what I need and say, "Aw, the hell with it - I don't need that!"

The local Avon lady comes tomorrow with my stuff. She seemed surprised that I called her back promptly last week after she dropped the books off and placed an order. I ordered from her for several reasons - one, I can't find anything in Valentine to combat this lack of humidity and moisture that meets my needs (nice fragrance, rich texture, reasonable price); two, I could go online to Bath and Body Works, but their prices are higher, their selection of what I need limited - and besides, if I did that, then I wouldn't meet or support people here. I might need her this winter after all, when the wind and cold get even more intense and I need something right NOW to keep my skin from blowing off!

So I'm feeling crabby this AM; don't want to go, have to go, don't want to go... My pond is perfect, now I want to get the remaining SC flowers around it and be done with that. They are growing cheerfully in the tarp, getting huge... It has been threatening rain since yesterday afternoon but hasn't rained yet, and I just KNOW it will finally rain en route to Valentine... grumble grumble grumble.

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