Alright, I know I'm brilliant. Maybe not in the grand scheme of things; but in a general sense, I'm a fracking genius, apparently.
Why don't some people - okay, most people! - get it?
"It" is - oh, I dunno, life, and practicalities, and simple common sense to survive.
First you have one little virginal idiot. He's Catholic - devout - and so's his wife. They have their first baby on the way, and are looking to buy a house. So I recommend this great antibellum-style home; run down a little, sure, needs some help - but five bedrooms, huge rooms, formal dining room, a front porch to die for, a three car garage with a loft apartment, on an acre in a small downtown mainstreet - for $40,000. With $60,000 and a few friends, he can insulate and replumb and rewire this beast. So what does he do? Buys a little two bedroom, crackerjack box, cookie-cutter home in a fancy schmancy brannew neighborhood, for $160,000. The first thing that happens - he can't get his sprinkler system in the yard to work. He has to hire someone to come out and look at it - turns out the illiterate and unsupervised Mexicans have hammered in his sprinkler heads - upside down. Second thing that happens, his garage. Falls. Off. Yes, Falls Freaking OFF the house! Five years later, he's whining - he doesn't have room with the third baby on the way! He has to moooove! But the bottom has fallen out of the market and he can't. His cute and classy neighborhood has been undersold to a 'lesser element'. The cowards and miscreants that 'planned' his area development have let all manner of junk - residential and commercial - crowd into his once-tranquil space. Wanna know whose fault it is? All those people who moved here - after he did!
Second you have all of these sheeple who were told by every shyster real-estate agent, every predatory lender in a convertible, every advertisement on "reality TV" shows, that they too, not only "deserve" a home, but they can afford one, too, by golly! So all of these morons who have never even been able to balance a checkbook swallow this crap; hook line and sunken living room. They get balloon mortgages and adjustable rate mortgages, and then borrow money on their house to buy a brannew car, too! Whooo Hooo! We're rich, look what we got! When the piper comes calling, all of these little idiots stand openmouthed, empty-handed, pleading with anyone and everyone to bail them out. And the Federal government does - with all of the tax monies that all of us thinking, intelligent, people have had to send in over the years while we sat quietly in our fixed-rate mortgage homes, building our equity and watching our pennies.
Liberals whimper and whine, and morons and fools never change. But it is always the grownups, the responsible, the intelligent, the quietly frugal ones, who foot the bill for every moron in this area and the rest of the country - not to mention the rest of the world. Why don't these bloodsucking simpletons learn to read and write, take some Eco 101 courses and learn how money works? Why? Because they don't have to, that's why! There'll always be someone to bail the pathetic idiots out - with someone else's money. And - they know it. Don't think for one minute that these ticks don't know that they have to feed off of others to survive - most of them have done it all their lives and don't know any different. And the Federal government is the biggest enabler of these Whine Addicts!
1 comment:
Interesting - a blog entry complaining about whiners by....whining.
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