Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today I am sooo tired. A very busy week, coupled with a steadily pounding driving weekend that started Friday morning and stopped late last night. Today I must do laundry, or like the laundry bag says, "One More Day and Wiley Will be Naked!" NOT a good mental image!

The lupus strikes without warning, too; for weeks I'll be going along, slamming into and thru things like always, walking, talking, bustling from here to there, never still - and then suddenly I feel like I have the 'flu, an all-over body fever, muscle aches and pains, and the internal disruption that makes it impossible to eat, and the lesion starts to bleed embarrassingly - and I have to hide it all and keep going. Too much to do, and I have PLANS! I cannot stop just because I hurt and am hungry. The illegal "treatment" - that the producer has to call a "vitamin supplement" in this country because of the FDA, even though it has gone through many clinical overseas studies and passed with flying colors - helps me maintain my frenetic pace, although just barely. Still, it's better than it was when I was taking nothing at all - and FAR better than steroids, the "approved" treatment in the US. The steroids made me so weak and sick that I hated being alive yet unable to DO.

The spinach has leapt up out of the soil the past couple of days; all of that rain was a big help. The collards, cabbage, and the broccoli are really booming too, but the lettuce is practically non-existent. Apparently the ferals like it too much; so young and tender and juicy! I can't wait to start eating my spinach; I do love it so, raw or cooked or even braised. Looks like I may have enough of a crop to can and freeze this year. This one's seed packet says it only takes 30 days to get to size, and I'm counting them down! The new navel orange trees look GREAT; but I put them in containers so that they could be moved either inside or into the greenhouse when it really starts to get cold.

I am resting now... too busy this past week, and must prepare for next week, which will be twice as intense.

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