Sunday, September 16, 2007

Childish Temper Tantrums

First there was an organization called The Humane Society. They couldn't keep up, so a few volunteers got together and formed a little group on a farm, called M Farm, that protected and rescued abused and neglected animals and adopted them out. Then there was another, and another, and one called P___.
Well, P___ got arrogant and well-funded, and they denied M Farm admittance to their fundraisers.

Here you have two groups that are ostensibly doing the same thing - and because one is jealous and childish, they want to ban others from doing the same good work!
How ridiculous is that?
And how freaking typical.
It isn't about the abused and neglected dogs any more, it's about personalities and superiority and inferiority complexes running rampant. It's about emotionalism and 'me first'. It's about selfishness and self-promotion. It's about time we stopped getting involved and participating in these silly little temper tantrums.

A friend of mine and I could not attend a fund raiser. So we donated money to the cause. Well, one of the people on the board of the fund raiser, at the fund raiser, made some scathingly nasty comments about why my friend didn't attend the fund raiser. That group will never see my money again. Ever. Not a penny, not a minute of my time, nothing. They can rot in hell for all I care. A good cause? Maybe. But a good cause run by temperamental manipulative children will never be a 'good cause'. Why waste my time and money on them, when there are so many other good causes out there to support?

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