Monday, August 25, 2008

Still Hate Mondays

OK, I got online this AM and prepared to order my multiplier onions. These are heirloom onions, that come back year after year and are steady producers of many many onions out of one. They also keep in storage for up to 12 months. Yay. Need to plant some now for spring.

"Order Failed. Credit card address not verified."

Crap. It's an online account with a MAJOR bank; we switched to online banking. So of course the mailing address doesn't come up (even tho it should for orders).

Call the bank help line. Can't get in. They don't recognize my numbers.

Crap. Call again, get an associate named John. John signs me back in step by step. I often wonder about the "Johns" - do they have photographic memories, or can they just write my new codes down? I am not rich, but John might be broke. How will I know?

Crap. The "pending" order is still on my account - twice. Crap. This ties up my money.

Call the catalog company. Nope, it didn't go thru.

Bank - might take three days to clear the order off the account as not paid.

Crap. A company I do regular business with billed my other (now rarely used) account for something. The bank didn't send me an email to my current address, but the old one. Now I have to transfer money to keep my accounts evenly aligned, couplea dollars in the right places so I don't get OD charges later. Crap. Crap. CRAP.

A simple order has now taken 2 hours. But my bank info is straight again - I signed out, went away, and went back - but everything is fine - except that those two orders will be pending for another couple of days, nothing they can do about it.

All the stuff I had to do today, and I wasted two hours of my life dealing with banks. CRAP!

Computers - they make your life easier.

Just send me the freaking paper catalog, I don't care how many trees we kill, and I'll write a check. Dammit.

Why do Mondays ALWAYS suck?

1 comment:

Alex said...

If it's any consolation, it was rainy today and I discovered that the one thing I forgot to bring with me is an umbrella. First day of school...all wet!

(Didn't want to buy an overpriced umbrella at the local stores.)