Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chilly Morning

The weather report says "fog" - well, if you want to call a blowing rain and quietly rumbling thunderstorm blowing in from the North, "fog", I guess you can. If you are the Weather Channel or Weather Underground! 57 degrees and windy this AM. High today only in the 70's. We don't normally get storms from the direct North, except in winter, supposedly, but it has been weird weather this year for everyone. It can't flood where we are - between living in a bunch of hills, and the sandy ground, the water dissapates swiftly. But it should be in the 80's this week, and it isn't. A lot of gardens have just given up - too chilly and too much rain.

Imagine living in 'flyover' country, where the planes are so high you never see them, not even their contrails. It was so quiet last night that the ceiling fan in the next room was making a 'click, click' sound - softly, not aggravatingly, but it was the only sound. We walked the dogs last night at 10 AM, and the full moon was glorious - surrounded by wispy clouds and a large cumulonimbus bank underneath that just glowed. Paul was coming home late, and stopped his truck to chat a minute. The few streetlights we have in town don't disrupt the black sky, full of odd sized 'pinholes' of stars.

I must have taken hundreds of pics of the sky here; it seems close enough to touch, and changes constantly. One minute it is dank and cool with a deep fog rolling across the hills - the next, the sky is clear bright blue, and the sun is burning every drop away. The other morning, the leaves were black against a red and gold sky. Sunrise is just as magnificent as sunset.

Found some fire ants - the big ones - yesterday evening in the overgrown garden we just recently, finally mowed. Need to get some poison quick - don't want those buggers ruining my garden. The seeds I planted last week are already popping their heads up; I want to rototill the garden and get things started. A little late but the weather has been just too wet and cold - like an early spring elsewhere. They had snow the first week in MAY, here, after all!

Yesterday was a long day; took Mike in to get him registered with the local docs, renew his meds, get them to do bloodwoork and so forth. I had met the PhyAssistant when Tammy and I were here in March and she had her migraine. He was very professional then, and yesterday too. We are off to a good start.

Sasha demanded to go out with me yesterday evening to meet Lake. She is fascinated by horses; can't figure out what they are. Large dogs? Prey? Playmates? So she was in the corral with me when Lake came in for supper. They both stopped, and stood, and stared, and sniffed for several minutes. Lake snorted, Sasha jumped, and Lake fled the corral, stopping outside the gate. I took Sasha out and left Lake to her supper. Sasha is still not sure what Lake is... and I don't think Lake has ever seen such a big dog before!

It is supposed to rain here today, off and on all day. I prefer to garden in the rain; makes weeding and watering so much easier. So I am off to begin my day... a lot longer day than when I worked for others, because now I am doing it for ME. No one else. By the time sunset comes around at 8:30 tonight, I'll have put 12 hours in...

I got up at six and went to Photobucket and made a movie of our property - from the next-to-the-last hill, I did a 360 deg circle. Everything you see in the movie is our property; except of course the water tower for the town. We are directly in line with it and go backfrom there, outside of town and around it. Then there are some shots of the house, too... if you are interested...


Anonymous said...

Ohmigoodness! To say that I've been out of the loop is the underest of understatements. Of course I was vaguely aware of the Hardeeville goings on and even smelled them coming a while ago when I accidentally found mysef on H'ville blog where someone who didn't sound like you was posting as "Wiley Coyote." But now all that is over and done and may God bless your moving on. I thank you for all I learned about Libertarians because of you, and I'm sorry for whatever psychic bruises you've suffered. Another subterranean understatement: You will be missed!

I look forward to more post(card)s from your new life.

Best regards,

WileyCoyote said...

Hi, PB!
No psychic bruising here. Just got fed up and decided it was time to do something for myself and my hubby instead of a lot of unappreciative people.

I've missed you and hope you keep writing for MH's Lowcountry Blog Jam! The BT just got too boring for me... and no, that wasn't me on the Hardeeville blog! LOL